Recovery Rocks Fort Wayne
Join us for the 5th annual Recovery Rocks for incredible speakers, live music, resource tables, kids' activities, food trucks, Rockstar of the Year awards and more!

Recovery Rocks is an annual event to spread hope to those impacted by the addiction of someone they know and love. This event spreads hope, ends the stigma around addiction, and connects those who attend with valuable resources and community partners.
Event features:
60+ resource tables for help with substance use, mental health and wellness
Dynamic speakers
Live music
'Hidden In Plain Sight' Trailer
Food trucks
Kids activities
Vendors offering recovery-related merchandise
Silent auction with proceeds to establish a family support fund
Peer recovery coaches on site
Naloxone available
'Wall of Remembrance' to honor loved ones lost
'Wall of Hope' to celebrate those in recovery
Event Details
event_title: Recovery Rocks Fort Wayne
event_time_zone: America/New_York
event_start: September 15, 2024 14:00
event_duration: 180
event_end: September 15, 2024 17:00
event_address: Fort Wayne, IN, United States
event_description: Join us for the 5th annual Recovery Rocks for incredible speakers, live music, resource tables, kids activities, food trucks, Rockstar of the Year awards and more!Recovery Rocks is an annual event to spread hope to those impacted by the addiction of someone they know and love. This event spreads hope, ends the stigma around addiction, and connects those who attend with valuable resources and community partners. Event features:60+ resource tables for help with substance use, mental health and wellnessDynamic speakersLive musicHidden In Plain Sight TrailerFood trucksKids activitiesGive-awaysVendors offering recovery-related merchandiseSilent auction with proceeds to establish a family support fundPeer recovery coaches on siteNaloxone availableWall of Remembrance to honor loved ones lostWall of Hope to celebrate those in recovery