The Greater San Antonio Regional Hub of Lioness Justice Impacted Women's Alliance is hosting a Welcome Home Bag Stuffing event! We will collect resources and items to fill 50 bags to give to our members returning home to the Greater San Antonio area from the criminal legal system. These bags will be full of hygiene items, clothing access resources, harm reduction items, meal vouchers, and a list of community resources from partner organizations.
Event Details
event_title: Welcome Home Bag Stuffing!
event_time_zone: America/Chicago
event_start: October 06, 2024 18:00
event_duration: 180
event_end: October 06, 2024 21:00
event_address: 2200 N Flores, San Pedro Park, San Antonio, TX 78212, United States
event_description: The Greater San Antonio Regional Hub of Lioness Justice Impacted Womens Alliance is hosting a Welcome Home Bag Stuffing event! We will collect resources and items to fill 50 bags to give to our members returning home to the Greater San Antonio area from the criminal legal system. These bags will be full of hygiene items, clothing access resources, harm reduction items, meal vouchers, and a list of community resources from partner organizations.